After a hard day's work i would have the radio at almost full volume. Tuned in to my favourite channel Light FM. Never dreamt that one day i would be singing along with the radio in my restaurant while cleaning and closing. The singing helps me to relax. The restaurant is named Warisan Bonda. It all began about ten years ago. I woke up from one morning nap, sitting on my bed with my youngest on my lap, saying to myself, hey zuraidah there has to be more to life than being only a homemaker. People asked me why did i start the restaurant business. I never worked after receiving my diploma. 17 years after leaving college, whatever I've learnt is considered ancient. I used to have dreams running a restaurant and that's what i did, operate a restaurant! Initially my idea was to have a small cafe that I could serve homemade dishes, make it very homely with a corner for crafts and books. I ended with a shoplot so that's how Warisan Bonda got started. My restaurant serves dishes that i learnt from my mother and aunties and my grandmoms. Hence Warisan Bonda which is a malay phrase meaning heritage from the mothers. Literally warisan means heritage, bonda means mother. The restaurant serves food from the malaysian dishes....menu malaysia. Restaurant Warisan Bonda has a facebook. Stay 'tune' there shall more postings on my 'baby' god willing.

So, that was how you started Warisan Bonda! Nice to know that Warisan Bonda has become a landmark of sorts to the local community who come to the restaurant not only for the food but also to meet up with friends.