Monday 11 June 2012


Have any of you call your children by numbers. I do. With only my first born and second it was never a problem. Nadiah and Nafisah. Then I had my third followed by my fourth, Nasihah and Nazifa. When only one of them or two is around it was easy. Should I need any of my daughters I would just call their names. Nadiah please set the table, Nadiah, have you done your homework, Nafisah where is the scissors, Nafisah, the dishes need washing....Nasihah, Nazifa, this and that and it goes on. In case you have not notice my daughters' names begin with "Na' with the fourth alphabet 'I'. Confusion begins when all four are around. I would have their names mixed up when calling out for any of them. Funny isn't it? That I the mother could mess up. My siblings too would sometimes have the names called for the wrong person. They would complain why do I named their nieces as such. Well, what do I do, yes, I decided to call them by numbers. Nadiah, number one. Nafisah number two. Nasihah number three. Nazifa number four. So the next time you happen to be in public space and hears  a mother calling 'number two' in a group of charming ladies, yes that would be us........

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